Adultery Investigations If you are married or in a relationship where infidelity and adultery is suspected, do not hesitate…Call us today!
If your divorce is probable please do not waste valuable time. The court will require sufficient physical and testimonial evidence to validate your case to include photographs, video, computer forensics, phone numbers, cell records, names, addresses, assets, witnesses and other valuable information. Ascertain this evidence before it is too late. CSI employs advanced investigations techniques and surreptitious surveillance methods to develop the evidence of infidelity. We attempt to identify the lover/paramour and if possible provide photographs and details of the affair. We attempt to identify if the significant other is single, married, divorced or living a second life with your spouse. Could they have a secret apartment where they meet during the day? Are there hidden assets, property, bank accounts or credit cards? We can reverse cell numbers, emails, addresses, and obtain hidden bank accounts and other possible traces left by your spouse to validate the affair. We will coordinate with your legal counsel and develop evidence and information relative to support your case providing leverage in the litigation process. Additionally if there is no evidence of infidelity, you will have satisfaction and peace of mind and only you will ever know there was an investigation.
Throughout our many years of investigative service we have noted several Indicators of potential adultery and infidelity such as; Extremely secretive or evasive when questioned, abrupt changes in communication habits (more/less arguing/dismissive), unplanned absences alleged to work, more concerned about their appearance, men wanting to take ED medication, women wanting plastic surgery, lessor more interested in sex, abnormal sexual request and one of the main ones the suspicious phone habits (unusual texting, hiding the phone or changing the pin).
Child Custody Investigations
During the divorce proceeding, child custody becomes a primary concern for both parents, however it is unfortunate that children are often used as a bargaining tool for monetary gain or other reasons. Once the custody and visitation agreements are in place, sometimes the childs priority may take second place. Do you suspect your child needs are not being met or they are neglected or endangered. We coordinate and work with your attorney in protecting your child and your custodial rights. We help obtain the truth, obtaining facts and evidence the legal system requires to modify a child custody order. Some questions to consider are the following; Who is the new person in your your ex's life, are they cohabitating while your child is present, is criminal activity taking place or use of alcohol or drugs your child's presence, do you suspect your child is neglected, abandoned or possibly abused? These investigation are sensitive and often require immediate investigative and surveillance activity.
Prenuptial Investigations
Often mothers, fathers and grandparents employ CSI to investigate the bride/groom to be. Who is this person your loved one is marrying? This is especially true in families of wealth. We investigate their background, behavior and conduct surreptitious surveillance during the pre-marriage festivities (bachelor/bachelorette party). We attempt to ascertain if they are communicating with their ex prior to the marriage? We have even provided “decoys” with interesting results. |
